What to do if your partner suggests divorcing?

How to Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Mentions Divorce

Many reasons can lead to a relationship that was once strong and committed ending in one of the partners asking for divorce. You could have:


• Having been separated for a prolonged period of time by long distances


One spouse may have behavioral or psychological issues

Even unmanaged addictive behaviors can be managed.

Irrespective of the problems, divorce is possible when the spouses lose their ability to support themselves financially.

Anger or conflict does not need to lead to an unresolved rift among partners. Even difficult situations can be overcome with good communication and shared love for the marriage. How can a spouse save their relationship if one of them is on the verge of leaving?

What can you do if your spouse is asking for divorce?

First, you must recognize that YOU HAVE A CHOICE. When faced with a crisis we often feel trapped and unable to make decisions. What can you do to change situations that involve another person’s decisions or feelings?

We can control our reactions to situations, but we must not and MUST NOT manipulate or threaten another person’s mind. You must remember that you have complete control of your actions and reactions.

The opportunity exists to examine your inner world and accept responsibility for your actions. You can also take a personal inventory of your spouse’s messages. Is there anything in your relationship that needs to be fixed?

Respond appropriately and proactively if so.

Let me tell you, there is a catch. Either you choose to be angry and in pain or to love your partner more. Either you choose to blame or shame your spouse, or you choose to look at the situation and take responsibility for it. Then you can move forward towards happier, more fulfilled marriages.

You heard me. In times of crisis, you can be happy and fulfilled.

You can change your partner even if they are stubborn or unresponsive. This will allow you to be as positive, proactive, and engaged as when you fell in love. Most often, one of the couple will look back at their relationship and remember the times when it was easier to be together.

These days can be captured again, and you could even enhance them by growing and maturing. You didn’t spend the years following your wedding to get nothing. Your spouse and you have invested a lot in this marriage.

You can show your partner that you are committed by showing positive love and open communication.

Be a loving spouse by taking care of your partner in everyday activities. You can be there when you were too busy working. You may not have allowed your partner to spend enough time alone before.

When the time is right, you can openly communicate with your spouse. Ask him/her if you realize how difficult a divorce might be. Is your spouse aware that divorce can have serious financial, emotional and physical effects?

Divorce is a major life-changing event. Is your spouse ready to accept a divorce?

You also have the option of involving a mediator or third party to assist you and your spouse in this difficult situation.

Get help if the situation becomes serious. Do not let pride stop you from taking control of the situation. You can seek out a professional counselor, elder friend or neutral person to help you see the bigger picture and help with deep-seated issues or concerns.

 It could be that your partner wants more attention, or you want to have more opportunities to talk to them.

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4 Tips For Avoiding Divorce

A reality of modern relationships is the knowledge that divorce statistics have been steadily escalating in recent years.

Even now, all marriages have between a 40 and 50 percent chance of divorce, which increases for second and third marriages, which is why it’s more important than ever to have the necessary skills to ensure your relationship is secure against the threat of divorce.

There are steps you can take to actually build a strong, stable marriage and avoid divorce. Here are some key steps to apply to your marriage:

1. Start by understanding and being informed.

You can never be too informed about tools, methods and studies about building successful marriages. Understand the risk factors like your age and maturity at marriage can determine how successful it will be, the anatomy of an affair and what you can do after infidelity. Understand the success factors like the personal and psychological circumstances that will influence your marriage, what are the tools and approaches available to you in dealing with conflict, and numerous other relevant data. All this information is readily available to you whether through self-help material, through a counselor, support group or other venues. In fact, we have made it our commitment to provide these to you in different formats to help you make the best marriage you can.

The thing is, remember, this is information is not available for you to begin hyper-psychoanalyzing your relationship, yourself and your partner. It’s not a matter of spewing trivia for the sake of conversation ‘ information is there for you to ponder over and internalize to help you transform yourself and your marriage. That includes maturing to such a point that you become more competent in your knowledge but more prudent in approach.

2. A solid marriage is one in which you never stop putting in effort to make it better and better.

Good marriages are made. They don’t just fall from heaven or off the pages of a romance novel. Unfortunately, many couples still believe that everything will be just fine after the wedding. Well, the wedding may have been absolutely lovely but the hard work of the marriage comes right after!

When the prospect of years together crops up, you just can’t slack off. Nope, it’s not a matter of stressing yourself trying to please your spouse daily. It’s a mutual commitment to be ‘other-focused’, to communicate, spend time together, plan and set goals as a couple, lay down guidelines and sticking to them, lay down guidelines and knowing when to change them, dealing with kids and other significant relationships and so on. And, don’t forget ‘ keeping up the romance, passion and intimacy in your marriage ‘ even if some days, you both are not in sync. Interestingly, a couple who has put in the effort develop an almost 6th sense about the others needs and desires. Now THAT is effort well worth it.

3. Commitment, commitment, commitment.

Notice that we did not say happiness as one of hey factors in making a successful marriage. It’s not even purely love. You see, happiness comes and goes and takes many forms. Love grows, wanes, develops and is a given in marriage relationship. Commitment, though, is something to invest in, to muster, to understand, to renew from time to time. This is the one constant through the happy and sad times, through the passionate and lovelorn times. Commitment make people want to stay, make them feel they ought to stay, and/or they have to stay.

What many couples don’t realize is that commitment is a decision. It’s an act of choice within one mature individual that translates to how this person will be present for another. It is not a whim nor an extra. It is the true foundation of any relationship.

4. The power lies with you.

I always say that mature individuals make mature, lasting marriages. What people fail to realize is that, in anything, even a love relationship and more so in one, you can take responsibility and choose your actions. When the going gets tough, you have the choice to either react to the situation you’re in or to be swept away by a tide of emotion. When faced by temptation, the temptation will not make you ‘do it’ ‘ you will. It all lies with you. A happy, fulfilling relationship begins with you.

This means that you also have a lot of self-work to do. Work out your issues, mature, learn to love yourself. These are all part of growing up and growing into a successful marriage. Even when your partner has issues of his or her own or buckles under the pressure of a crisis ‘ there is still you.

All in all, what I have outlined here are four broad tips on how to avoid divorce. There are many little details in each tip that you can continue to explore with your spouse as you build a successful marriage.


This article is brought to you by Save My Marriage Today.

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